With all the holiday shopping lists to complete, guests to prepare for, and a full calendar of work, or school-related events to attend, the last few months of the year are usually the busiest for most people. Even if visiting the dentist during December may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re planning your holiday schedule, there are several important reasons why you shouldn't skip your end-of-year dental exam. In fact, it makes sense to fit one in right before the year is over.
Reasons Why You Should Get a Dental Check-up in December
If you’re on the fence about scheduling a dental appointment before the year ends, these reasons may convince you.
Protect Your Smile During the Holidays
Seeing your dentist for routine cleanings and necessary dental work even during the holidays will help you avoid tooth decay and other problems that can become unpleasant and expensive if you don’t do anything to prevent them. It's better to take care of any dental issues now rather than wait for them to worsen during the holidays when we eat so many sugary treats.
Maintain Your Overall Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth
It’s more crucial than ever to maintain good oral health during the holidays. Your tongue, teeth, and gums can all provide clues to your dentist if you happen to have a more serious underlying medical condition. Additionally, teeth are used for more than only food chewing, they give you a fuller face and clearer speech.
Any portion of your body with an untreated illness poses a risk to your general health. However, due to its proximity to your brain and its entrance to your digestive system, your mouth can be particularly important. Any dangerous bacteria in your gums have the ability to enter your circulation and swiftly make their way to your essential organs, such as your heart and lungs. It can then progress and cause significant health issues like heart and lung problems. So be sure to prioritize your dental health and schedule an appointment as soon as you can!
Avoid Emergency Dental Discomfort
Whether you're flying or driving, December is one of the busiest travel months of the year. When you're on the road, the last thing you need is a severe dental emergency. Regular dental visits allow for the detection and treatment of lesser problems before they have a chance to develop into more serious ones. Early diagnosis and treatment will not only save you money but also result in less invasive procedures that are safer for your teeth.
Schedule an Appointment With Optima Dental´Today
The holidays can be pretty hectic, but seeing your dentist before the year is over will end up benefitting you in the long run, and you’ll feel ready to take on the holiday parties and reunions with more peace of mind. The staff at Optima Dental in Lawrenceville, GA is happy to work with you to schedule an appointment before the holidays, whether you need a checkup, cleaning, cosmetic dental procedure, or something more complicated. You can use our easy online appointment booking system or give us a call to check availability or ask any questions. Have a wonderful holiday season!