If you have Halitosis in Lawrenceville, GA, a dentist can help you find out why you have it. Bad breath affects everyone and can usually be attributed to something benign, like too much garlic on your pizza.
When it’s not something you can control, or when it isn’t due to foods you ate, there may be underlying conditions.
Chronic halitosis is more than just bad breath. It affects people even after they have brushed, flossed, rinsed, chewed gum, ate mints, and no matter what food they have eaten. It is generally a symptom of something else.
Oral Yeast Infection Causing Halitosis in Lawrenceville, GA
Candida is a fungus that is naturally found on your skin and in your mucus membranes. When there is an imbalance of bacteria in your body, yeast infections can occur. Anti-Fungal medications may be prescribed, and probiotics are also an effective treatment. Stay away from foods that contain yeast and sugar, and if possible, use coconut oil, eat seeds or nuts, and eat green vegetables.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Halitosis
Gerd, or acid reflux, causes the contents of your stomach to travel back into your mouth. It’s generally associated with heartburn and leaves a sour taste in your mouth. While rinses may reduce the extent of halitosis related to GERD, it’s important to find out the underlying causes and triggers. Chocolate, citrus foods, coffee, alcoholic beverages, smoking nicotine products, and very large meals can all cause GERD. If these triggers are eliminated or adjusted, it may keep it at bay. Eat smaller meals, try not to eat two hours before going to sleep and make sure that your head is properly elevated when sleeping.
Hernias and Chronic Halitosis
Hiatal hernia is also known as the hiatus. Hernias causes chronic halitosis due to back-flow of stomach acid and undigested food into your esophagus. Fatigue, abdominal pain, and difficulty swallowing can also be indicators of a hernia and most often changes in diet and losing weight will reverse the issues. In some cases antacids, H2-receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors may be recommended.
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Strep throat, sinus infections, respiratory tract infections, and swollen tonsils can all cause halitosis. Drainage from the sinuses into the throat, and respiratory tract can lead to bacteria building up in your mouth.
In most cases, treatment of the infection, whether saline solution gargles and humidifiers, or removal of tonsils, will solve the issue. In some cases you may be prescribed special rinses or antibiotics to clear up the condition.
Does Diabetes Cause Halitosis?
Diabetes can cause damage to your blood vessels which can decrease the amount of blood flow to your gums. It also increases the amount of glucose in your mouth and produces a fruity smell to your breath.
It can cause hyper-ventalitation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, weight loss, and blurred vision.
Kidney and Liver Problems
When your kidneys can’t filter minerals properly, you may notice a metallic taste in your mouth and chronic halitosis. If your liver isn’t removing the toxins it needs to, you may experience a fishy smell in your breath. Both of these are indicators. Talk to your doctor to make sure that you are not at risk for kidney or liver failure.
How Does Oral Surgery Create Halitosis in Lawrenceville, GA?
Surgery in your mouth can lead to bacteria build up. When oral surgeries are performed, make sure to talk to your dentist ahead of time to ensure that you are following proper post surgery protocol to keep the build up from occurring.
Dentures/Braces and Halitosis
Ill fitting dentures, braces, and mouth guards can also lead to a build up of food and bacteria. Make sure that you are flossing and brushing regularly and seeing your dentist on a regular basis.
Other Common Causes of Halitosis in Lawrenceville, GA
As with many other issues in the mouth, tobacco, alcohol, and medications are often an issue. Tobacco alone, without any other conditions, will make your breath smell. Avoiding use of tobacco and excessive use of alcohol, can turn the smell around.
If you are prescribed medications and notice that you are experiencing dry mouth or bad breath, talk to your doctor to see if there is an alternative.
Most halitosis is usually associated with poor hygiene. The prognosis is good when you determine the underlying causes.
Give us a call to set up an appointment in Lawrenceville, GA, contact us at (770) 962-4322 to find out what is causing your bad breath. We will set you on the right path.